Página 9 - Halloween

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accused of witchcraft were often poor and could not afford
horses, so they navigated through the woods on foot with the help
of walking sticks, which were sometimes substituted by brooms.
English folklore tells that during night-time ceremonies, witches
rubbed a "flying" potion on their bodies, closed their eyes and felt
as though they were flying. The hallucinogenic ointment, which
caused numbness, rapid heartbeat and confusion, gave them the
illusion that they were soaring through the sky
The pagan Celts believed that after death, all souls
went into the crone's cauldron, which symbolized
the Earth mother's womb. There, the souls awaited
reincarnation, as the goddess' stirring allowed for
new souls to enter the cauldron and old souls to be
reborn. That image of the cauldron of life has now
been replaced by the steaming, bubbling, ominous brew.
The traditional Halloween colors of orange and black actually stem
from the pagan celebration of autumn and the harvest, with
orange symbolizing the colors of the crops and turning leaves,
while black marks the "death" of summer and the changing season.
Over time, green, purple and yellow have also been introduced into
the color scheme of Halloween decorations