Página 24 - Halloween

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The ultimate hallloween cheese burguer
Take a piece of sandwich cheese and cut out a
ghoulish face, add to your burger and create the
ultimate Halloween Cheese Burger
Toffee apples recipe
Halloween tofee apples are quick and easy and great for kids. They
can help you decorate them too.
5 medium-sized dessert apples
450g soft caramel sweets
2 tbsp water
Cooking method for toffee apples
1. Wash and thoroughly dry the apples,
and stick a wooden skewer through the
stem end.
2. Slowly heat the caramel sweets in a
double boiler or over a bain marie until
melted and smooth. Dip the apples in the
toffee and swirl until completely coated.
3. Lay on greaseproof paper or stand
upright in a flower holder then place in
the fridge to harden.
Try this fun recipe for this Halloween!